The Technology, Innovation, and Education (TIE) master’s program is home to creative leaders in education – among both faculty and students. Together with outstanding fellow students from around the world, you will learn how to research and design new technologies and media that deliver powerful teaching and promote engaged learning.

Technology is the Means, Not the Mission 

Everything we do in the TIE Program is grounded in teaching and learning. The first questions are always, “Who are the users, and what educational challenges are they grappling with?” We don’t start with the goal of creating a sticky website, viral app, or immersive simulation. Instead, we choose the medium or technology that delivers the most effective learning experience for our specific goal. No previous computer science or technology experience is required to join TIE, only a passion for harnessing innovation and creativity to improve educational outcomes for all learners.


Las donaciones de bienes y/o servicios tienen facilidades en el Impuesto a la Renta y en el IGV. Estos son los beneficios:

  • Se podrá deducir como gasto la donación de bienes y prestación de servicios gratuitos para el Impuesto a la Renta.
  • No se gravará con el IGV la entrega de bienes gratuitos hecha por los donantes.
  • No se perderá el crédito fiscal del IGV correspondiente al bien y/o servicio donado.

Puede consultar más en la cartilla informativa de la Sunat.

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